Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
09-28-2023 Dollars & Sense, Will the Impending Government Shutdown Affect You?
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Here we go again. Perhaps one of the reasons the market is acting so unfavorably over the past week or two is because the government has the potential to shut down on October 1st. Déjà Vu all over again. As a matter of fact, Marion was just reading statistics from an article that stated we’ve apparently had 21 government shutdowns since 1976. You’d think with that many shutdowns that our country would be no more, right? That’s not exactly how it works, let us explain…
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion discuss how a potential government shutdown could affect you in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 484456
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
09-21-2023 Dollars & Sense, On a Scale 1-10, How Prepared Are You For Retirement?
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
The much anticipated Topsfield Fair is coming up and Marc is looking forward to seeing you there. He’ll be volunteering at the Bnai Brith Booth alongside his wife, Laura, and about 120 other volunteers serving some of the best brisket, Hebrew National Hot Dogs, and Jewish Fare on the East Coast! As an added incentive, if you visit his booth and ask for him, he will have a special surprise for you!
A recent eye-opening report in the Wall Street Journal talked about how ill-prepared people are for retirement. The results tell a story of how under-aware we are of life in America and that we see our world within the sphere in which we live. But does this report tell the whole story? We dig a little deeper…
Whether you’re fully confident in your current retirement strategy or are looking for a second opinion, we welcome you to contact our team today.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion discuss why you should always get the full context on stories being reported by the media in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 481494
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
09-14-2023 Dollars & Sense, Time in the Market it Better Than Timing the Market
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
When are often asked, “What do you hope to get as a rate of return on your investments over time?” The goal is 6-8%. However, the likelihood of 6-8% in one year is slim to none. Investing is for the long term! The longer you are in the market, the better chance you will have a higher rate of return.
Don’t let negative headlines or soundbites drive your financial decisions. Sadly, pessimism drives action more than optimism. The goal of these scare tactics is to get a reaction, so think before you act!
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion reflect on market downturns and why time in the market is better than timing the market.
If you’re ready to get serious about your financial planning and investment management needs, contact our team today.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 478656
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
09-07-2023 Dollars & Sense, When Do We Begin Making Smart Financial Decisions?
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
There comes a point in time when you have to understand whether you’re making a rational decision or a reasonable decision. We think you also need to recognize when you’re making a ridiculous decision. We don’t think it’ll surprise you where you make the most ridiculous decisions. Think back to some of the regrettable decisions you’ve made over your lifetime. We’re betting you were probably in your younger years. Did we hit the nail on the head?
Take a guess at the age a recent study suggested we begin making smart financial decisions. We’ll give you a hint – it’s typically the time people get serious about their future and come to us for financial advice.
You should feel confident in your financial team, and be comfortable asking them anything. Yes, we mean anything. If you’re ready to start a conversation about your future, contact our team today.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion discuss the three major “R’s” of decision making in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 476042
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Dollars & Sense, Tick-Tock: Have You Had Your Annual Financial Review?
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
When you were told to complete your homework as a child, you probably moaned and groaned. If you partner with our team, there’s one homework assignment that must be completed each year – scheduling your annual financial review. We promise you’ll thank us later!
At Freedman Financial, the very last action item on your financial plan is to review your plan on an annual basis. Why is this important? All of the relationships with our clients start off by completing a financial plan. During this comprehensive process we try to emphasize that it is an ongoing process and not a “one and done”. So much changes in your life over the course of 1, 5, 10, 20+ years and your financial plan should reflect that.
If you’re in need of a financial review or are interested in a second opinion, contact our team today.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marion and Christian discuss the three major categories that could potentially change your financial plan in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 473552
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
08-24-2023 Dollars & Sense, Money Matters: Your Questions, Our Advice
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
This week we’re addressing your questions and giving you advice in a language you can understand. These questions are from viewers just like you who have questions surrounding money market funds, risk, and even scams.
If you have any questions regarding investing, market volatility, retirement, cash flow, and social security – just to name a few, contact us and we’ll answer them in an upcoming episode.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion host a special Q&A session in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 471200
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Dollars & Sense, Live By Design, Not By Default
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
We pride ourselves on not only paying attention to the financial aspect of your life but to look at your life holistically. Marion recently heard the saying “live by design, not by default.” Isn’t that the ultimate goal? What life do you want to create and what do you want to do in your life? We think it’s pretty important to keep that in mind not only in retirement age but also along the way.
By default, we are conditioned to join the workforce after completing school, find a partner, own a house, have children, and save, save, save. When you get into your sixties and have lived this lifestyle for 30-40 years, you may find it hard to transition into a lifestyle of relaxation, enjoyment, and living by design as to what you want to do.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion give a special shout-out to Marc’s son, Jerry, and talk about living by design and not be default in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 468612
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
08-10-2023 Dollars & Sense, Hope is Not a Strategy
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
We just back from attending the LPL Financial Focus conference in beautiful San Diego. We had a great time networking and hearing about the latest products, tools, and ideas for us to implement.
During the conference, LPL President & CEO, Dan Arnold, made a thought-provoking statement. He said, “Ideas are interesting but execution is everything.” This got us thinking about some of the conversations we have with our own clients. A lot of clients come to our office with all of these ideas that they want to do. Then before they know it, decades pass by and they forget about fulfilling these ideas, dreams, and goals that they had – simply because they didn’t know how to execute. If this resonates with you in the slightest, don’t let time continue passing by. Our doors are always open and we’re happy to discuss financial strategies that are right for you so you can continue pursuing your dreams and goals. Contact our team today.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion talk about the importance of executing a financial strategy in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 466171
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
08-03-2023 Dollars & Sense, Strategies for Withdrawing Money in Retirement
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
It’s amazing how many times we run into people who say the old adage, “well this time it’s different.” Whether they’re talking about the markets, the weather, how people prepare food, and everything else in between. You know what? It’s never different. We go through these hills and valleys and everything always works itself out. Inflation is the perfect example. In June of 2022, inflation was at 9% and a year later it’s at 3%...
People would love to have a guaranteed income stream in retirement. Now don’t get us wrong, we think having a guaranteed income stream is a wonderful thing to have as part of your overall income strategy, but you need to have other resources that are flexible enough to help you keep pace with inflation and available in case of emergencies. If you don’t currently have a plan in place, our doors are always open and we’re happy to discuss financial strategies that are right for you. Contact our team today.
Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion talk about strategies for withdrawing money during retirement in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 464287
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
07-27-2023 Dollars & Sense, Igniting Impact: The Power of Consistent Messaging
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Marc and Marion didn’t have a set agenda for this week’s podcast – until yesterday. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been sharing our thoughts and advice on air for over 12 years now. You always hope your message reaches the people who get the most value out of it. Our day was made yesterday when Marc met with a client who shared he spends a lot of time listening to this podcast. He’s also listened to past radio shows, he joins us on our quarterly webinar (contact us to get a future invite: Contact Freedman Financial), and he said what he’s grown to really like about our firm is how consistent our messaging is despite the volatility in the markets.
With our 50 years of experience, we can truly say that we’ve “Been there…done that…” Tune in to this week’s episode of Dollars & Sense as Marc and Marion chat about the importance of consistent messaging in a language you can understand.
A full complement of Dollars & Sense broadcasts found here.
During Dollars & Sense with Freedman Financial, your host, Marc Freedman, may discuss specific financial planning and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.
Securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a Member of FINRA and SIPC.
Always consult a Certified Financial Planner professional, qualified attorney, or tax advisor prior to investing to determine what is appropriate for you.
Tracking #: 461432
Dollars & Sense podcast now streaming on:
Apple Podcasts, previously known as iTunes
Google Podcasts
TuneIn + Alexa